Hehe... Long time no see, eh?

Hey everyone! I realized I haven't posted here for about two weeks and I was like- "WHAT????" So I finally cooked something up....

So Starting today, I decided to try another series. I know, my last series, DIY Week, was literally a flop, but I hope to make this one somewhat better :)Anyways, so I have: A Valentines Day Series!!!!!!

So I'm going to get it all ready, so for sure I have it all planned out. So probably tomorrow or Monday I'll have the first post up. So what it is is I'll have a whole bunch of V-day DIY's for your doll. And- yeah! So I guess I'll talk to you soon! BTW, I uploaded a new video on my channel Onedolloutthere on YT...


  1. Anonymous18.1.14

    I can't wait for your new series!

  2. I'm so excited! And I'll totally subscribe to you! (I'm Ninatheshark in case you see me comment;))


I really like when you comment, but please no OMG or any swear words... Please keep everything pleasing to the Lord. Thank you -Autumn :)