Merry Christmas :D

Hello all, hope you are all having a wonderful day today.  Wishing you all a fantastic Christmas, and let us not forget the true meaning of the day. True, so many people say that that it is kind of overrated, but Christ was born for us and we should never forget that.  If you don't
celebrate Christmas, then still have a wonderful day, because every day is a gift.

I think I'm going to upload another post of Esther's Christmas outfit later on today, so be on the lookout for that :)

M E R R Y     C H R I S T M A S !!!!!!

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  1. Merry Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful day full of holiday cheer!! :D

    ~ Mint

  2. merry christmas, hope you had a great day :)


    1. aww, thank you so much :) I did, and hope you did too.

  3. MERRY (late) CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! Hope you got what you wanted! And I will post about the addition to the doll family soon, wink wink...

    1. Thank you!!!! I think I did :) *happy face* YESSSSS :D Super excited about that :)))


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