Contest/Giveaway for 20 followers!

OK, I am so excited for this. I know for some people, 20 followers isn't that many, but it is a very big goal I achieved for me!!! I really hope you enter the contest even though I'm not sending out real prizes. (Such as in the mail) OK, let me give you the rules to enter the contest.


You MUST be a public follower of this blog, Onedolloutthere.
To enter,you must take a picture of your doll and make a caption for the picture. (You may include other dolls in the picture, but specify which is the main doll in the picture.)
The picture MUST be taken by you and if edited at all, it MUST be edited by you.
You may only enter once.
Please share this post on Google, and if not allowed, don't worry, so other people can know about the contest.
For the duration of the contest, take the picture shown above and display it on the side of your blog. (If you don't know how to do it, leave a comment and I'll tell you.)
The contest ends on the 8th of June.
I hope you enter! Good luck & God bless!

(First place chooses first, second place chooses another, and third place gets what's left.)
A.) A blog design by me.
B.) Free doll posters. (Whoever gets it will have to give their e-mail so we can communicate.)
C.)A personalized interview. ("personalized"  means {practically} just a lot more {funny?} questions)

Ok, how about it? Please enter, it would mean a lot to me. :)



  1. Hey Autumn! I just started to follow your blog! In addition to providing info about my feature in the sunday dollpaper, I would love to interview you for my blog! It would mean a lot to me if you followed and replied! Now.... Regarding the dollpaper: I will feature one of my four dolls, McKenna. She is an outdoorsy girl. She is also a gymnast. Her dog, Honey, is her pride and joy. I will post some pictures of her and her dog on my blog ASAP and a story for u! Thanks and get back to me on the interview!

    1. OK, cool! Wat do you mean by being interviewed? I think I probably could, though. Thanks!!!

  2. Ok Great! I have a followers gadget at the right hand side. I think it is to follow by email. Regarding the interview: I would ask you a few questions for you and for Esther, and I would write it on my blog in a cool format. I have created a page on my blog about the family, and you could use those things for your paper. I look forward to talking to you more! - TheDollCrafters

    1. Cool! I'll head over to your blog. :)

    2. Great! See you there!

  3. A few questions-
    By share on Google do you mean post on our blog?
    If we choose option B, do we have permission to print out the poster for personal use?
    And can I enter?:) Sound's like fun!

    1. Ok, by sharing on Goggle, I mean Google+. What you could do is go to my G+ page and see the it and go to someone else's G+ page and tell them about it. It sounds and might be a little complicated so you don't have to. :)(It would be nice if you would,though)
      Yes, you do. We'd decide on what you want me to do on the poster and then I'd mail it to you. You may use them for personal purposes, but not for commercial use.
      Sure! I'd love if you'd enter. And by all means, DO!

    2. Nina,
      Look at the top of the blog. In a red button it will say G+ share. Click that to share the post.

  4. Hey Autumn! I was thinking about entering your contest! It sounds so fun! In fact, I'm working on it as we speak!

  5. What is the title of the gadget that has the name my fantastic followers?

    1. Google Friend Connect. But I think Google might be closing it this summer. But you could probably still get it on your blog. :)

  6. Hey Autumn! I got the gadget! So now you can follow me! Thx! U r like my new blog bff!

    1. Cool! You're flattering me. JK! :)

    2. You're on of mine too!

  7. on the contest:
    Can you enter more than once? My sisters want to do entries for their dolls too.

    1. Sure, as long as each of them keep it to one entry. Can't wait to see the entrys!!

  8. Here is my entry!

    1. thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My first entry!!!

  9. I love your new design! Esther is soooo cute in her picture!

  10. Here is my entery for your contest! I hope I did this right! :)

    1. I think I'll accept it! Thank you so much!


I really like when you comment, but please no OMG or any swear words... Please keep everything pleasing to the Lord. Thank you -Autumn :)