2014: it's been good

Since we're on December 31st (well, some of us anyways), and tomorrow is bringing about a brand new year, I decided to do a post on 2014, covering some of the highlights and reviewing the year.  I'll also have some updates at the end of the post *coughcoughdesigncoughcough* I hope you like this post :)


This was the start of a new year, the year I am saying goodbye to now.
I posted my thoughts on Izzy, which you can view here, and I started my Youtube channel which you can view here :D


Well, as for the Valentines Day, I did a DIY Week based on it to get my doll room all decked out for it.  They were all especially lovely, but here are the links to all of them. Do check them out, won't you?  - DIY #1   DIY #2    DIY #3   DIY #4   DIY #5  However, a little later in the month, I made another one that surpassed them all if you ask me.   The photography is more greater and the project itself is more to my liking.  It was a V-Day themed arm warmers. .... click here to check it out :) 

MARCH 2014

Basically this month were really sweet and simple posts that looking back on, I personally love.
Such as a Shamrock Shake copycats, pet food bowls, and birthday gift inspiration. 

Like one, for example, was a cute and easy headband,

APRIL 2014

This month I decided to start off by posting some about what I believe in and my faith.  Then I went on later in the month to post about Easter.  I posted my AG wishlist, and also showed how to make amazing doll sized fast food :)

MAY 2014

So I realize this month I only posted twice, perhaps I could blame that on school letting out, however, it should probably be the opposite if school let out.  Hmm... fishy.  Basically I just posted a life update, and then showed how to make amazing doll sized hershey kisses. 

JUNE 2014

So this month, I did photoshoots, photostories, and did a doll room tour. #summer

JULY 2014

sooo, whilst I was in the midst of summer hub bub, I did some Fourth of July DIY treats, some pretty AMAZING DIY's (#1 #2), got the Beachy Blogger Award, did another birthday gift inspiration, and made a yummy milkshake.  #LOVINSUMMER


So I kicked off the month by posting a funny post + started off my Back to School series...
I laughed out loud at how true this is!


Well, I didn't do a whole lot this month mainly because of #school, but I posted my last Back to School series, and made this aaaamzing DIY Mason jar gift idea post, and showed some doll sized finds I found.


So this month I made a Apple Cider Float, did a book review on Caroline, and celebrated two year of blogging.. or  something like that.


And last but not least, this month.... :D  I did a Christmas series (#1, #2, #3) did Esther's Christmas outift, and finished my blogger awards. AND REDESIGNED MY BLOG.


So that was my year in review.  What did you think?  Also, notice a change? Yeah, I redesigned this blog.  Do you all like it? Personally I like it a LOT, but it simply does not go with this blog. This is a doll blog, and to me doll blogs should be happy, bouncy, bright, and just cheerful.  While I like this a lot, it's just not right for this blog. If this were for my personal blog or something like that, it would be right, but it just doesn't flow with this one to me.  So hopefully in March or May or early summer I'll redesign it... But do you all like it? Have a wonderful new year and I'll see you next year  ♥
ITS GONNA BE 2015, GUYS. 2015.

Keep being awesome +
God bless


  1. Congrats on all you have accomplished this year. ♥ I really liked seeing a review of your posts. I remember the one with the Winnie the Pooh meme. xD I was actually planning on doing a post similar to this on my blog. I hope that's ok! I LOVE the new blog design. It's just really nice and clean. =D Happy New Years Eve!!

    ~ Mint

    1. aww, thank you so much, Mint :) Hehe, that was a pretty funny one. That's completely fine and I can't wait to see it :D I'm glad you like it, Mint :) Happy New Years eve to you to!

  2. Just wanted to say that I have changed my series of hot drinks and you can pick whichever days that work with your schedule so you can post a drink or two. Just let it be an inspiration.

    Allie D.

    1. OK, thanks Allie :) I'll be sure to keep that in mind and hopefully I'll be able to post at least one.

  3. You had a great year!! I LOVE the new blog design! It might just be how small my laptop screen is, but your picture of Esther over there ---> kinda covers up some of your post when I try to read it. :( I mean, it's not that bad, I just wanted to point it out. :) Great job though.

    1. Thanks! Uh-oh, I was afraid there might be a problem with that. Hmm, does it actually cover up the post when the picture's not hovered on? Because that is quite serious...
      Umm, maybe if I downsize the image a little it'll work better. Let me go off to do that now... Thanks for pointing that out to me :)

    2. Yeah, it covered it up when it's not hovered. It still covers it up a little still, but I bet it's just my laptop. :)

    3. I see, well, I also was thinking that maybe if I tweak the code enough so that the picture just stays beside the header and doesn't scroll down, it might not cover the post. It's probably not your laptop :D


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